- Originally elected to the Oradell Borough Council in 2016
- Re-elected in 2019 and again in 2022, and is currently serving in his third consecutive term which runs until 12/31/25
Current Council Responsibilities
- Police Commissioner and Chairman of the Public Safety Committee
- Council representative to the Planning Board
- Member of the Administrative, Finance, Ordinance and Office of Emergency Management Committees
- Council liaison to the Historical Committee
In 2016, the voters of Oradell gave me the first opportunity to serve our community as your Councilman which I truly appreciated. It has been an honor to be re-elected twice as I am now serving in my third consecutive term. I have worked hard on your behalf to address both the challenges and opportunities facing Oradell but there is still work to be done.
When I first ran for Council our slogan was “Thoughtful and Collaborative Leadership”. I feel I have lived up to that commitment both in terms of how I have worked with my fellow colleagues on the Council as well as my engagement with the residents of Oradell. I am proud of my accomplishments thus far, including bringing greater financial discipline and management to the budget process and providing leadership in guiding the Borough through the reexamination of the Master Plan and the settlement with Fair Share Housing to protect Oradell from over development. As a longtime resident of Oradell, I truly understand what makes our town so special and why it is important to preserve the Borough’s current charm and character.
As the Police Commissioner and Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, we were successful in establishing a new contract with the PBA beginning in January of 2020. Since then we have also completed new contracts with the Chief of Police and the Borough’s two Lieutenants.
Looking ahead, my focus will be on the following:
- Continue to improve our discipline and effectiveness in managing the Borough’s finances for both the operating and capital budgets which will include maintaining a sound debt management plan.
- Ensure we approach the next phase of the Master Plan in a way that will be most beneficial to our community. This includes thoughtful improvements to our downtown but not over development. I do, however, want to make it reasonable for commercial property owners to properly renovate aging buildings. With that, we will need to establish design standards so that any renovation or other building activity supports the continued charm, character and historic relevance we want to maintain in our downtown.
- Achieve our affordable housing obligations in a manner that works best for Oradell such as through the development of special needs and senior housing.
- Continue to address important quality of life issues and opportunities including increased traffic calming and pedestrian safety and expanded programs for our seniors and youth.
I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to grow up in Oradell and along with my wife Mary, to raise our four children here. This is a key motivation for why I want to give back to the Borough by serving as your Councilman.